Scholarship for Estonia-specific research (Estophilus)

This scholarship promotes the academic research on Estonia-specific topics of students enrolled in universities abroad and international researchers interested in the Estonian language, culture, history, society etc. 

The Estophilus spring application period for 2025 is March 6-April 6

The Estophilus scholarship may be applied for by foreign nationals: final year BA students, master’s students, PhD students and post-doctorate researchers from universities abroad for staying in Estonia and conducting research or collecting material about Estonia for  a period of 1-5 months. The Estonian language proficiency is an advantage but not a requirement.  The scholarship is administered by the Education and Youth Board of Estonia and granted by the EKKAV programme council. 


Scholarship amount

The scholarship covers living costs in the amount of 660 euros per month, and travel compensation as a set rate based on European Commission's web-based calculator:

Distance from city to city (one direction)Grant for a round trip (to the destination and back)
1-499 km180 euros
500-1999 km275 euros
2000-2999 km360 euros
3000-3999 km530 euros
4000-7999 km820 euros
8000 km and more1100 euros


Period and conditions

The scholarship may be granted for up to 5 months, except for BA students who are granted 2 months maximum. The duration of one scholarship period cannot be shorter than 30 days.


Application procedure and deadlines

The application period for spring 2025 is March 6-April 6. 

Please submit the following documents:

  • formal application
  • research plan with a clear focus on topics related to Estonia in specific
  • curriculum vitae
  • proof that the applicant is a final year BA student, MA or PhD student or a document verifying the PhD degree
  • confirmation of the Estonian academic supervisor about the acceptance of the candidate and confirmation of his/her preparedness of supervising the candidate. The Estonian host/supervisor must briefly describe the research topic and justify the importance of the research for Estonia.

The application form must be signed digitally (with an ID card or Mobile ID) or in writing and then scanned and sent with additional documents to the e-mail address, with the title of the e-mail being "Estophilus stipendium (EKKAV)".

The grantees are selected by the EKKAV programme Council within 45 days after the application deadline (more information about evaluation and decision procedure can be found in the scholarship guidelines BELOW).



Education and Youth Board, scholarship coordinator:  Kerttu Lõhmus,



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