The story of the pocket guide "Survival Guide for International Students"


The pocket guide "Survival Guide for International Students in Estonia" that provides an introduction to Estonian life has become an international symbol of Estonian higher education. For the first time, the publication reached international students who had just arrived in Estonia already in the fall of 2010, and to date, the publication has helped more than 15,000 foreign students settle into Estonian life.

The pocket guide provides an overview of necessary activities upon arrival in Estonia, healthcare and communication services, and general living conditions. Of course, the pocket guide also gives an overview of what the Estonian labor market is like and the opportunities for leisure time outside of studies.

"This compact, comprehensive, but also humorous publication provides answers to many questions that a student who has just arrived in Estonia faces. This soft pocket guide helps, like a wise man in your pocket, to understand what is otherwise incomprehensible to the newcomer," commented Study in Estonia chief marketing specialist Piret Puuorg. "For every student who comes to Estonia, the experience of Estonia will be unique. If this experience is good, then the talented person can stay in Estonia even after the end of his studies and bring benefits with his knowledge to our companies and the academic world."

Survival Guide for International Students

Photo: Survival Guide for International Students

Compilers and editors of the publication this year were Piret Puuorg, Triinu Lillepalu, Helena Alekand and Eero Loonurm.


You can find the online version of the pocket guide on the homepage of Study in Estonia.

In addition, it is possible to pick up a printed version of the pocket guide at the Tallinn and Tartu offices of the Education and Youth Board on Tõnismäe and Munga street.

Girl reading Survival Guide

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