Tähistades tarkuse päeva (Celebrating the Day of Wisdom)

This blog post was written by our student ambassador Ana, who is a student of the semiotics programme at the University of Tartu.

Tarkuse päev (The Day of Wisdom) is the Estonian holiday which is celebrated on the September 1st and it marks the beginning of the school year. Whether you're just starting the academic journey or continuing your studies, tarkuse päev marks the start of new lessons and adventures. Students usually bring flowers to their teachers during this day. In the spirit of the upcoming tarkuse päev, I decided to have a stroll down the memory lane and write about my first day as a student at the University of Tartu and the beginning of my studies in the Estonian education system. I hope you will find my tale inspiring, especially all you new students at the University of Tartu, who are about to take one of the most important steps in your academic lives.

I started my academic yourney at the University of Tartu 3 years ago. I will never forget the joy and pride when I found out that I have been accepted at the the university as a Master's student  of Semiotics. I started preparing myself for the university life in Tartu before coming to Tartu by reading all about the rules and structures of the study programme, as well as all the important documents for the complete matriculation. 

When I arrived to Tartu, I started exploring the city and I remember that the main building of the University of Tartu was one of the first monuments I saw. I was really impressed and astonished by the beauty of the building and its huge pillars and I thought to myself: So, this is the core of your future academic life! 

Photo: Main building of University of Tartu.

The opening ceremony of the academic year was on 30th of August at 10 a.m. I came to the ceremony 15 minutes early with my flatmates at the time. There were so many people in front of the main building and we barely found a perfect spot to stand and listen to the ceremony. The ceremony was opened by the rector’s speech, first in Estonian and then in English. The rector wished a warm welcome to all the new students and he pointed out how proud and happy he is that we all joined the big  family of University of Tartu and he wished us lots of luck, new things to learn and many great adventures. 

There was also the welcoming speech of the student union president along with the student choir, to make the ceremony even more special. After the ceremony, I still had some time before the very first meeting and opening lecture at my department of Semiotics, so I decided to take a walk to get to know Tartu even more. Because of this walk, I almost missed the meeting because I got lost in the streets of Tartu. In the end, however, I was able to find my way and went to the Town Hall Square, where I met my semiotics colleagues for the first time. 

We all bonded really quickly by talking about our backrounds, interests, goals and fields of semiotics. Then we all went to the department for the first meeting. All the semiotics lecturers and professors were there and they all introduced themelves and their fields of research and wished us all a warm welcome. After that, our programme coordinator introduced us with the course selections, study information system and the other important factors of the student life in Tartu. 

Photo: Ana with a bust of the famous Estonian semiotician Jüri Lotman.

It was a real memorable day for me. At the beginning, it was a bit scary, not knowing what awaits you, but that will pass soon, as many great and exciting things are coming. So, to all of you new students, I wish the best of tarkuse päev and may it be filled with valuable lessons and unforgetable memories. And to all the current students, head tarkuse päeva!


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