Job hunting and life in Estonia

We recently asked our student ambassador's community manager Sohaib, two important questions that many international students are curious about. Sohaib, originally from Pakistan, has been living and studying in Estonia for a few years now, and he shared some valuable insights based on his own experiences.

How long does it take to find a job in Estonia as an international student?

According to Sohaib, the timeline to find a job in Estonia can vary depending on your skills and experience.

If you have strong skills and some prior experience in the corporate world, it might take you about 6 months to find a good job. However, Sohaib emphasizes that having the right skills is key to success in the Estonian job market. For those who might not have as much experience, Sohaib suggests considering traineeships or associate positions as great entry points. These roles provide valuable opportunities to build up your resume and gain the hands-on experience employers are looking for. And if you're still finding it difficult to secure a role, customer service is often a good option for international students. While it may not be your dream job, it can be a great way to enter the workforce and start building a network in Estonia.

What are your three favourite things about Estonia?

When asked about his favourite things about Estonia, Sohaib didn’t hesitate to share what he loves most about his adopted home:

Estonian Summer – Estonia might be famous for its long winters, but summer here is something truly special. The warm weather, long sunny days, and vibrant outdoor activities make it a season worth waiting for.

Countryside and nature – Estonia is known for its stunning natural beauty. From peaceful bogs and forests to picturesque lakes and hiking trails, the Estonian countryside offers a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of city life.

The calmness – Estonia has a unique atmosphere of tranquillity. Life here isn’t rushed or overly stressful, and there’s a feeling of peace in the air. This calmness allows students to focus on their studies while also enjoying their free time in a relaxed environment.


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For more tips on working in Estonia as an international student, check out this helpful resource on job search strategies from Work in Estonia.


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