How I Got Myself Vaccinated

Getting vaccinated in Estonia

Got myself vaccinated! Image courtesy: Marisol Benitez,

On the 29th of May 2021, I strode into the Tondiraba Sports hall in Lasnamäe to get my first vaccine jab. All it took were a mere 5 minutes to actually get injected and an additional 15 minutes of observation after. In just about half an hour, I walked out feeling a tad more confident and content that I was much safer than the previous day. - Anirudh

Having had a taste of the effects a pandemic could bring, getting myself vaccinated was among the least, albeit the most essential, of things I could do to keep both myself and the people around me safe. During the initial phases of the string of lock-downs and restrictions that were imposed, I soon realised that traveling was next to impossible. It was at this time that I really understood the predicament that the world was in. The narratives, often quite ominous, accompanying the situation did little to calm my nerves and mind. I had to accept the fact that all the things that I was hoping to achieve, like traveling, came to an abrupt halt. Thus, personally, getting vaccinated was a sign of turning over a new leaf.

Make corona small again

The world brought to its knees by a virus! Image courtesy: Tim Hufner,

Estonia opened vaccine registration for everyone, including foreign nationals residing in the country, to get themselves vaccinated on the 17th of May 2021. Prior to that date, people over a certain age and with pre-existing conditions were prioritized for the vaccinations. When my time came, I rushed to choose from the list of available vaccines and the nearest vaccination centres, as per the available date and time.

The government of Estonia has made it very easy for everyone to book themselves an appointment through the online patient portal Digilugu. It has to be noted, that at certain points the traffic to the website is higher and so you might have to wait in a queue a bit, before entering the website. Follow these steps to book yourself an appointment to get vaccinated:

  • Log in to the Patient Portal - with your Estonian ID card.
  • Head over to the National eBooking system.
  • Click on the “Broneeri” button and that should redirect you to the bookings page where you can choose the type of vaccine, the county inside Estonia and a suitable vaccination centre closest to you.
  • Based on your selection you will then be provided with a list of available times and places where you can get vaccinated.
  • Choose the one that suits you the best and that’s all! You will also be sent a confirmation via email.

Vaccinations and side-effects

Most fears about vaccinations are unfounded. My side-effects were nothing to be worried about.
Image courtesy: Belinda Fewings,

There has been quite a number of articles and news regarding the side-effects of vaccines doing the rounds everywhere. While this is alright on one hand (because that’s how we get to know not just the efficiency of the different types of vaccines available in the market, but also about what can be done if the side-effects start acting up), it can also needlessly frighten people. In my personal experience, there is nothing to be scared about! Not even about needles or getting injected; it literally takes just a fraction of a second and you probably won’t even feel a thing! Most of these vaccines have such a high rate of efficiency that it not only protects you from the harmful effects of the virus even if contracted, but also protects those around you because you would have much lesser chances of transmitting them!

I did feel mild side-effects, but they lasted for just about a day or two. A few hours after the vaccination my arm became a bit sore and I felt a bit cold and shivery. The next day I felt a bit tired. On the third day I was fine!

Getting vaccinated in my opinion is arguably the most responsible thing that we, as residents of Estonia or of any other part of the world you are reading this article from, can do. This is the fastest method through which all of us can finally conquer this pandemic and get back to the pre-COVID times.

So, what are you waiting for? Go and get vaccinated! It’s as easy as 1…2…3… literally!

Until next time! Stay safe and healthy, everyone!

Text: Anirudh